Minnesota Board of Dentistry

Verification as of July 27, 2024
License Verification for
Cory Reid Herman
Individual Information
Name Cory Reid Herman

Plymouth, MN

Practice Address

3475 Plymouth Blvd
Suite 200
Plymouth, MN 55447

License Information
License Type Dentist
License Number D11242
License Status Active
Original Issue Date 07/02/1998
Expiration Date 08/31/2026
Additional Information
CertificationsIssue DateExpiration DateCertification #Status
[ ] General Anesthesia
[ ] Conscious Sedation
[ ] Conscious Sedation Contract
[ ] Advanced Dental Therapist
[ ] Allied Sedation
[X] Nitrous Oxide
[ ] Restorative Function
[ ] Corrective Action
[ ] Disciplinary Action

License verification information is from the database of the Minnesota Board of Dentistry as of the date and time of the last update, as displayed above. The data can be used for primary source verification of a Minnesota license. While we believe the information to be reliable, human or mechanical error remains a possibility, as does delay in the posting or updating of information.

Note: If you wish to obtain a copy of a licensee’s disciplinary action, you may do so at the following link:Disciplinary Actions. If you wish to obtain a copy of the licensee’s corrective action, please contact the board directly: dental.board@state.mn.us Indicate the name of licensee; and, if you can, license number and city.